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As an example please find below information about several projects which have been finalised since the FiBB was established in the year 2015 and which are exemplary for the range of activities of the FiBB:

  • Building failure analysis on a highly corroded reinforced concrete ceiling in a public building including examination of the cause of damage in the field of building chemicals and concrete technology and also recommendation of restructuring measures,
  • Development of a cost-efficient and very rapidly hardening mineral casting compound for the application in the field of rail production,
  • Concrete technological analysis of a highly charged industrial floor of a trans-regional logistics centre,
  • Analysis of construction defect on unwanted discolouring of face concrete components including examination of the cause in the field of building chemicals and concrete technology and also recommendation of suitable counteractive measures considering the whole chain of production,
  • Elaboration of suitable UHPC-formulas for the application in a reinforced concrete pre-fab plant,
  • Conception and execution of component tests for innovative sandwich-facade elements including optimisation of the construction and preparation of advisory opinions for approvals on a case-by-case-basis,
  • Execution of load tests on various reinforced concrete components (e.g. stair landings, prefabricated plates for a pedestrian bridge including evaluation of the results.
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